We would like to thank all partners and guests for participating in the conference, which took place on October 27, 2022, summarizing the project entitled “Development and implementation of an innovative service, namely: Marine research on migrating birds using a stabilized ornithological radar” conducted under the scheme “Innovations in the area of inland or marine waters”, part of the “Blue growth” program “Business Development and Innovation”. Those who could not be with us are invited to view the presentations shown at the conference summarizing the project.
Presentation (in Polish) by Krzysztof Gajko from the 3Bird company called “Contribution to the development of research technology on bird migration” [Krzysztofa Gajko / 3Bird: „Wkład w rozwój technologii badań nad migracjami ptaków”] (PDF)
Anna Suchowolec from 3Bird presentation (in Polish) of the project entitled “Development and implementation of an innovative service: Marine studies of migrating birds with the use of stabilized ornithological radar” [Anna Suchowolec (3Bird) – Prezentacja projektu pod nazwą „Opracowanie i wdrożenie innowacyjnej usługi: Morskie badania ptaków migrujących z użyciem stabilizowanego radaru ornitologicznego”] (PDF)
Presentation of Sibylle Giraud (Robin Radar Systems) – Use of radar technology in Environmental Impact Assessments (PDF)
The conference was held on October 27, 2022 in the online format.
Project entitled “Development and implementation of an innovative service, namely: Marine research on migrating birds using a stabilized ornithological radar” was conducted under the scheme “Innovations in the area of inland or marine waters”, part of the “Blue growth” program “Business Development and Innovation”. The project benefits from a grant from Norway under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.